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Posts Tagged ‘training’

E-Discovery Mediation and Litigation Planning

Just Court ADR, April 30th, 2012

Welcome Jennifer LaDuke, RSI’s guest blogger, writing about her experiences at a recent e-Discovery mediation training.

As an attorney shifting her career toward mediation, I am always on the lookout for training opportunities to further my skill set and knowledge base. I have previous experience with litigation and electronically-stored information, including participating in a half-dozen large-scale cases where tens of thousands of electronic documents had to be reviewed, tagged, and logged. So, I was thrilled to link my interest in mediation and my previous experience by attending a recent two-day training program offered by the American College of e-Neutrals on the use of mediation to (more…)

Part 3 of 3: Foreclosure Mediation Best Practices

Just Court ADR, March 14th, 2012


Ensure Mediators are Well-Trained

Some programs, fearing they will not be able to attract people to mediate, lower the requirements for training mediators. Instead of the normal 40 hour mediation training, they may require only 12 hours of training with an additional training in foreclosure law, or only require that the mediator be an attorney. This lack of training jeopardizes the mediation process itself, as people may not have the tools after 12 hours of training to manage such a complicated discussion. Connecticut’s program boasts a high settlement rate, in part because (more…)

New Resources on

Just Court ADR, July 18th, 2011

Here is a list of the new, abstracted resources that have been added to, RSI’s national resource center, in the past few weeks. These are just a few of the over 4,000 resources available on We are always looking to expand our collection – if you know of any new research, programs, legislation, videos, or other resources, please let us know! (more…)

Hopes Becoming Reality: Law School Training Is Making Better ADR Advocates

Susan M. Yates, October 20th, 2010

How many of us in the mediation field have said that educating people about alternative approaches to dispute resolution is essential to changing the way that conflicts are addressed? For those of us who work in court ADR, the continuing development of law school ADR coursework in particular is a cause for optimism that the practice of law increasingly will encompass skilled use of ADR.

In a recent pro bono case I mediated, I had an experience that affirmed this belief. The defendants were represented by a skilled, young volunteer lawyer who was an able advocate for his client in mediation. He asked good questions of the other side, was dogged but gracious in pursuing his clients’ interests, and took a constructive, problem-solving approach. After the mediation, he asked opposing counsel and me about how this case relates to others of this type, as this had been his first one in this area. He said that he had taken a mediation course in law school and had mediated actual court cases through the clinic, so he felt prepared for the process, but wanted to learn more about this particular application.

Isn’t this what we have been hoping would happen? Law school mediation training is preparing strong, capable advocates in mediation.

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