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Archive for the ‘Community Mediation’ Category

How Can Community Mediation Centers Successfully Diversify Their Rosters?

Stephen Sullivan, August 7th, 2024

Community mediation centers have long recognized that parties feel seen and benefit from working with mediators who are from diverse backgrounds. Despite this, they have found it difficult to develop mediator rosters that reflect the communities they serve. The Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) in Chicago is undertaking an innovative project to address this issue. The staff of CCR has engaged RSI to develop a guide to support other community mediation center staff in their efforts to increase equity in their mediator rosters, and to assess their implementation outcomes. Funding for this project has been generously provided by the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution Foundation (AAA-ICDR) Foundation. 

Ongoing DEI Assessment 

The Center for Conflict Resolution in Chicago has engaged RSI to create a guide to help community mediation centers diversify their mediator rosters.
RDNE Stock Project via Pexels

Over the past year, CCR has been working with an external diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) partner to audit its mediator mentorship program (MMP). The MMP is an intensive, three-month training program that prepares participants to meet CCR’s performance-based evaluation standard. Participants then provide a minimum 18 months of mediation services through CCR’s programs. CCR’s primary goals are to increase the demographic diversity and inclusivity of its recruitment, selection, training and retention processes. Meeting these goals has required a comprehensive and holistic retooling of the program. For example, CCR staff are experimenting with new models for meeting program requirements, establishing new communication practices, and creating ways to accommodate different types of mediation skill sets. Measuring the success of these changes is critical; CCR is also developing new survey instruments and tools to determine impact.

RSI is assessing CCR’s progress in meeting its DEI goals, to document lessons learned and share what CCR staff would recommend to other organizations.  

Project Outcomes

RSI will communicate findings from our assessment of CCR’s efforts in two main ways: 1) a guide for community mediation centers, and 2) an evaluation report.

Through interviews with key CCR staff, review of audit documents, and analysis of demographic data, RSI will create a reference guide for community mediation centers to learn from CCR’s approach. The guide will include instructions and templates for engagement techniques, methods for measuring demographic data, and forms for screening and interviewing. Along with these materials, we will discuss how CCR staff members implemented changes and addressed challenges.

Our collaboration will also culminate in a final evaluation report, which will focus on insights from CCR’s new survey instruments. RSI will analyze survey data to determine which areas of the retooled program saw the most success and which areas require further refinement. Both the guide and the report will be disseminated widely, through CCR’s website, RSI’s website, the National Association for Community Mediation’s virtual library, conference presentations and social media. Ultimately, our goals are to understand existing exclusionary practices or biases within mediator programs and break down barriers to diversity, equity and inclusion in mediation practice.

We plan to share the guide for community mediation centers and our CCR evaluation in mid-2025. Follow RSI’s blog, newsletter and social media for the latest updates.

Parents See Conflict Reduction and Relationship Benefits from Mediation in Massachusetts

Jennifer Shack, March 2nd, 2020

Custody and parenting time mediation in Massachusetts is providing parents with multiple benefits while facilitating agreements. The most recent evaluation of the Parent Mediation Program in four counties, published by the Massachusetts Office of Public Collaboration in 2019, found that 74% of mediations ended in an agreement. Additionally, parents reported multiple benefits beyond agreement, including a reduction in conflict, better conflict resolution skills, greater civility and better communication.

Services for the program are provided by community mediation centers, who conduct intake with the parents and are contracted to provide one session at no charge to the parents. If additional sessions are needed, the parents agree to pay the center on a sliding fee schedule. For the evaluation, mediators were asked to complete a report after each mediation session. Additionally, mediators asked parents to complete a survey after the last mediation session (150 parents across 80 cases did so) and center staff conducted phone interviews with 94 parents in 70 cases four to ten weeks after mediation ended.

During fiscal year 2019 (July 2018 – June 2019), 141 cases were referred to the centers. Almost 2/3 of these referrals were from the courts and the rest were from the community. During this same time period, 129 mediations were completed. In 74% of these, some form of agreement was reached: 30% full agreement, 34% partial agreement, 16% temporary agreement). In surveys, 93% of parents said they needed to devise a parenting plan, and 77% said that mediation either fully (43%) or partially (34%) helped them with that. In their reports, mediators indicated that mediation led to progress on the parenting plan in a similar percentage of cases, at 80%.

Parents and mediators were asked about other benefits experienced through mediation. In surveys, parents said that conflict between them and the other parent was diminished in about 2/3 of the mediations, an assessment with which mediators agreed – stating conflict was diminished in 69% of mediations. This benefit appeared to last for weeks after mediation for many parents, as 53% of those who were interviewed said that conflict continued to be reduced.

Similarly, more than 2/3 of surveyed parents reported greater civility between them and the other parent. Again, this benefit remained over time, with 50% saying that they and the other parent treated each other with greater civility. Most parents also said that their communication had improved, with 72% of those surveyed saying so and 54% of those interviewed weeks later agreeing.  It’s not surprising, then, that 70% of surveyed parents, and 54% of those who were interviewed, believed their skills for resolving conflict had improved.

While research has shown these benefits to be important for the emotional well-being of the children, this study points to another effect. Nearly half of surveyed parents said that less conflict with the other parent and 33% said better communication with the other parent would help them to financially support their children.

Reduced conflict and better communication did not necessarily lead to greater involvement with their children, however. Roughly half of those who were surveyed said that the other parent’s time with the children decreased and 20% said there was no difference. In interviews, parents continued to see little to no difference in the other parent’s involvement in their children’s lives. Nonetheless, 36% of custodial parents reported that the other parent’s involvement was greater than before.

The many benefits identified by parents were likely one reason they had a positive experience in mediation. Fully 97% said they would use mediation again and 99% would recommend it to others. Large majorities also thought the mediator was fair and unbiased (84%), listened well to their concerns (82%), identified relevant issues (80%) and helped generate ideas (78%).

The full study includes more background information on the level of conflict between the parents (29% had a high level), complications between the parents, demographics and the parents’ custodial status. 

RSI and NAFCM’s Community Mediation Special Topic Now Available for Download!

Nicole Wilmet, August 27th, 2019

RSI’s Special Topics summarize and explore various topics related to court ADR and are categorized by profession and subject. Last year, RSI and the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM) collaborated and released a Community Mediation Special Topic. We are pleased to announce that this Special Topic is now available for download!

In this Special Topic you will find:

  • The background and history of community mediation
  • The relationship between courts and community mediation
  • Information on how to track and evaluate community mediation programs and activities
  • A list of exemplary studies on the effectiveness of community mediation and research that helps centers to better address issues surrounding the provision of services.

We hope you find this resource to be helpful in your work!

New Mediator Self-Reflection Tool

Susan M. Yates, January 9th, 2019

The Supreme Court of Virginia has developed a wonderful new self-reflection form for mediators. While the Court developed this tool for their certified mediators as part of their re-certification process, it is a valuable tool for any mediator (just ignore the instructions about continuing mediator education credits). There is a lot of content, so if you are using this on your own you will probably want to pick and choose among the questions. This new tool coordinates with Virginia’s excellent Mediator Self-Reflection Treasury.

Even though mediators work very closely with people when we mediate, typically no one else in the room shares our mediator perspective. There are exceptions, such as co-mediation or when we are observed by new mediators, but mediation can be an isolated activity (made especially so by the limits of confidentiality). This isolation makes self-reflection particularly important.

I can imagine many uses for these tools beyond self-reflection. A group of mediators could pick a few of the questions to discuss over lunch. For co-mediators, the tools could aid their debriefing. The forms might help a new court or community mediation program get clear about what they expect from mediators. The tools will probably spark other ideas when you read them.

Many thanks to the good people of the Supreme Court of Virginia for taking the time to produce and share these tools. They are a real gift to the mediation community.

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