This article is part of a series of perspectives on eviction mediation program development that is being supported by the American Arbitration Association-International Centre of Dispute Resolution Foundation. The AAA-ICDR’s grant is enabling RSI to expand our outreach to other court ADR colleagues working in the fast-evolving eviction field, and we are tremendously grateful to the Foundation for their support.
As the state of eviction mediation continues to evolve, we wanted to share some notable developments from across the country.
State of Moratoria
According to Nolo, the vast majority of jurisdictions have lifted moratoria on eviction filings. With the overturning of the Centers for Disease Control’s moratorium at the federal level earlier this summer, that means in most places in the country, eviction proceedings are permitted. Diversion efforts such as mediation and rental assistance programs are two common responses local governments have implemented to mitigate the impact of a large increase in filings.
ODR in Miami-Dade
Miami-Dade County, Florida joins a small cohort of other jurisdictions, such as Delaware and Akron, Ohio, in piloting an eviction ODR program. The program utilizes Court Innovation’s Matterhorn platform to allow tenants and landlords to exchange messages and documents, set up a payment plan and explore other options to reach resolution. Parties can either negotiate directly or request the involvement of a mediator while using the platform.
New Hampshire Expands Pre-Filing Programs
The New Hampshire Judicial Branch recently expanded upon its pre-filing diversion program statewide after promising results in pilot programs in two locations. This effort concentrates on resolving as many cases as possible before a court case is initiated, and either party can request a remote mediation session through the state Office of Mediation and Arbitration. Post-filing mediation is only available in a limited number of circuits, so parties are heavily encouraged to act before that stage is reached, especially in light of the fact that the pilot program boasted a 70% agreement and 91% satisfaction rate.
Keeping Up with Developments Nationwide
To stay up to date with the latest court eviction mediation developments, make sure you bookmark our National Program Database. And if you have any information for us that you see missing, please be sure to drop us a line!
Tags: AAA-ICDR Evictions
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