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The blog of Resolution Systems Institute

Posts Tagged ‘news’

Big News in Court ADR — A Look Back at 2014

Just Court ADR, December 18th, 2014

Our monthly e-newsletter Court ADR Connection has updates on RSI’s activities, cutting-edge ADR research, and the latest court ADR news from across the country. As we wind down 2014, I thought it might be fun to take a look at a few of the most significant news stories we reported on this year.

Detroit Bankruptcy Mediated in “Grand Bargain”

The most-watched court ADR news story of 2014 may have been the mediated settlement that resolved the City of Detroit’s municipal bankruptcy. Without doubt, this riveting drama of competing interests coming together to form a “Grand Bargain” will be studied and discussed for years to come. We reported on facets of this story a few times, both here in our blog and in our newsletter: (more…)

Benefiting from a Smooth Transition

Susan M. Yates, July 9th, 2013

Those of us in the ADR field know that coming together and coming apart are times that can be fraught with conflict whether these transitions involve individuals, families, corporations or non-profits. We also know that, with the right factors in place, these types of change can be healthy and offer great opportunities for all involved. With that context in mind, I am very pleased to announce that Resolution Systems Institute has spun off as an independent, non-profit organization after 18 years of operation and growth as an affiliate of the Center for Conflict Resolution (CCR) in Chicago. And the transition was remarkably smooth!

The factors that made this change so smooth are similar to those that enflame some deals and ease the way for others. One early, decisive factor: the leadership of RSI and CCR agreed about the core idea of becoming two organizations. (more…)

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