Resources / Study / Innovation for Court ADR

Just Court ADR

The blog of Resolution Systems Institute

Posts Tagged ‘California’

Articulated Purposes and Objectives for Foreclosure Mediation Programs

Just Court ADR, September 6th, 2011

Foreclosure mediation and mitigation programs began appearing in local, state, and national contexts in response to the foreclosure crisis. As the crisis persists, more states have adopted or are looking to adopt such programs as a way to ensure borrowers (more…)

New Resources on

Just Court ADR, July 18th, 2011

Here is a list of the new, abstracted resources that have been added to, RSI’s national resource center, in the past few weeks. These are just a few of the over 4,000 resources available on We are always looking to expand our collection – if you know of any new research, programs, legislation, videos, or other resources, please let us know! (more…)

How the Feds Might Fund Mediation

Just Court ADR, March 21st, 2011

As state politicians argue over budget cuts, innovative programs are often the first to go. Mediation is no exception.

Santa Barbara’s 30-year-old landlord-tenant mediation program was threatened when the City Council couldn’t figure out how to fund (more…)

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