Did you know that RSI’s Resource Center is the most comprehensive and respected source of information on court ADR anywhere? Housed within the Resource Center is the Research Library which has an extensive annotated collection of court ADR resources such as articles, studies, court rules, statutes, and court forms that cover a wide variety of topics.
RSI’s Resource Center Director Nicole Wilmet regularly adds new resources to the Research Library and the following list highlights a few of the resources that have recently been added.
- Online Dispute Resolution: A Digital Door to Justice or Pandora’s Box by Doug McQuiston and Sharon Sturges
- Project Implicit Social Attitudes and Project Implicit Health Implicit Association Tests by Project Implicit
- The Neuroscience of Decision-making Three Part Video Series by the Judicial Branch of California
- States Efforts to Address Diversity & Inclusion by the National Consortium
- A Bridge over Troubled Water: Managing Parties Mental Illnesses in Mediation by Glen Hickerson
- NCSC ADA Resource Guide by the National Center for State Courts
We hope these resources are helpful to you in your work!