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RSI Proudly Celebrates 30-Year Anniversary

Heather Fogg, February 21st, 2025

This year marks an incredible milestone as Resolution Systems Institute (RSI) celebrates 30 years of impact! As someone who counts herself among those who have benefited from the work of RSI over the years, I am deeply grateful for the strong foundation RSI stands on today. As we reflect on three decades of service, we appreciate and consider ourselves fortunate to recall the countless lives touched, the ADR programs improved, the knowledge gained and the amazing partners who have walked beside us throughout this journey.

Our “Pearl” Anniversary: The 30th anniversary has been described as the pearl anniversary, in part because pearls have come to symbolize wisdom gained through experience, growth through change, resilience and honesty. The development of a pearl can also be a metaphor for what ADR can accomplish: Sometimes, the things that cause irritation and friction ultimately become something beautiful, such as a pearl — or a better grasp of a former adversary’s shared humanity.

My colleagues and fellow alternative dispute resolution (ADR) researchers introduced me to RSI while we worked on similarly ambitious projects for evaluating statewide efforts to implement ADR and program-specific survey evaluations of court ADR programs. I learned of the foreclosure and eviction mediation programs through our common court ADR panel presentations at national conferences. I quickly came to rely on RSI as a resource that included the most current innovations, advances and findings in the field of ADR. RSI has always been on the forefront and continues to shape the field by improving our understanding of court ADR.

From RSI’s humble beginnings as a big idea shared among colleagues in a casual conversation, we set out to impact court ADR by growing and sharing knowledge. What began as a small group of passionate individuals dedicated to court ADR has now grown into a well-established force for change, strengthening access to justice by enhancing court alternative dispute resolution systems.

A Journey Through Time: 30 Years of Progress

Over the years, RSI has experienced both challenges and triumphs, and each step along the way has renewed our commitment to court ADR. When we look back at the moments and events that have shaped us, we can’t help but feel immense pride in what we’ve accomplished:

  • Guiding Program Design: In the late 1990s, RSI helped get civil case mediation off the ground in Illinois by providing expert guidance to Illinois state courts and federal courts as they established civil case ADR programs. Over time, we worked on programs with a broader array of case types and parties, and helped programs nationally; and in 2007, informed by our own research, RSI created the Statewide Mediation Access Project to develop programs to improve access to justice through mediation for low-income disputants. As our mission statement affirms, guiding and supporting court efforts to strengthen access to justice through court ADR has been a throughline in RSI’s work ever since.
  • Studying What Works, and Creating Tools to Support It: In 2003, RSI Director of Research Jennifer Shack’s article “Mediation Can Bring Gains, But Under What Conditions?” summarized a survey of the findings of 62 studies of court-related mediation. The article posited that the ADR field must focus less on whether mediation is effective, and more on the circumstances under which it is most effective. To a large degree, RSI’s research over the years has continued to examine the article’s overarching question by evaluating the program design and impacts of court ADR in child protection, foreclosure and eviction cases, as well as more recent advancements of online dispute resolution. This research has also informed our development of tools to assist programs in conducting accessible, effective ADR. Examples include RSI’s recent studies of text-based online dispute resolution programs; our ODR Party Engagement (OPEN) study, guides and models; and our ongoing research on what leads to trust during mediation.
  • Responding to Immediate Needs: In 2013, RSI responded to the foreclosure crisis by providing courts throughout the U.S. resources and technical assistance, offering mediator training, and designing and administering foreclosure mediation programs in three Illinois counties. In 2016, we expanded our mediation services, developing and administering a child protection mediation program in Kane County, Illinois. And in 2021, responding to the pandemic-induced eviction crisis, we launched eviction mediation programs in three Illinois counties. RSI’s mediation programs have provided direct services to thousands of people over the years. But they also serve as an active knowledge base, enabling us to learn more about that question raised by Jen Shack’s 2003 article; in short, what works? 

Each of these pivotal moments in our history is a testament to the hard work of our dedicated staff, Board, donors, funding partners and supporters.

Looking Ahead: The Next 30 Years

While we celebrate our past, we’re also looking toward the future. The world continues to change, and so do the challenges we face. Through it all, our mission remains as important and relevant as ever. In the coming years, we are committed to:

Join Us in Celebrating!
We’ll be celebrating all year long! Please stay tuned here for more ways to connect and join us in celebration as we share details of programs and events to come!

  • Eliminating Barriers: We believe that strengthening access to justice by enhancing court ADR gives more people an array of options for resolving conflict in ways that feel fair and facilitate mutual understanding.
  • Innovating: We will continue to explore new projects to explore the use of technological advancements in ADR while addressing the pressing issues of reducing barriers to access to justice for everyone.
  • Expanding our Reach: As a convener, we plan to extend our impact even further by bringing together court administrators and ADR program directors to share insights, successes and challenges.

A Heartfelt Thank You

None of this would have been possible without the support of our incredible ADR community. To our Board members, donors, roster mediators, partners, funders, collaborators, staff and all of those who have stood with us over the years, thank you. Your unwavering belief in our mission has been a driving force behind every success.

As we mark our 30th anniversary, we are excited to celebrate not just what we have achieved, but also the promise of what’s yet to come. The future is bright, and we are so grateful to have you by our side as we continue this journey together.

Here’s to 30 years of impact — and to the many more years ahead!

Sowing Seeds that Blossom into a Meaningful Life’s Work

Susan M. Yates, April 16th, 2024

On April 11, 2024, the American Bar Association Dispute Resolution Section honored me with its D’Alemberte Raven Award. The award is given “in recognition of development of new and innovative programs, demonstrated improvements in service, demonstrated improvements in efficiency, research and published writings, and development of continuing education programs.”

The following are the remarks I made at the award ceremony.

Susan M. Yates gives a speech after being presented with the D’Alamberte Raven Award at the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution 2024 Spring Conference.

Thank you.

I must say, when I first learned I was getting this award, I was stunned.

That was followed quickly by a surge of love for my friends who nominated me. Thank you, Peter, Jen, Jim, John, Kelly and Terry. I live in abject fear of leaving someone out when I publicly thank people, so I am going to stop naming names right there! But I will give a huge thank you to all my friends and colleagues, who I respect and love from the bottom of my heart.

An occasion like this was bound to lead me to reflect on my career. As I did, I thought about all the small, day-to-day actions that turned into something important for me. This evening I invite you to join me in reflecting on little things, and to keep doing those small acts because you just never know.

Here’s my first example:

It’s from the end of the ’70s. I was at Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations, studying mediation, arbitration, negotiation, etc. A representative from the Rochester (NY) Community Mediation Center (not their long-time executive director Andrew Thomas) came and spoke about community mediation. And that idea lodged in the back of my mind and deep in my heart.

So, when you are asked to speak to a class about mediation, conflict resolution, ADR, whatever … go! It is possible that when you do, you could plant a seed that will bloom for decades.

Another example:

ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Chair Ana Sambold, left, presented Susan Yates with the D’Alamberte Raven Award at the section’s spring conference. (Photo courtesy of ABA Section of Dispute Resolution)

A few years out of college, I was living in Chicago and found that there was a local community mediation center — what is now known as the Center for Conflict Resolution. I reached out; they were doing a mediator training the next two weekends and invited me to participate. That training, which came about because someone answered the phone and extended an invitation, formed the basis for the rest of my career!

So, as you are going about your day, answer the phone or an email, and make a simple offer. It might not be consequential for you, but it could be life changing for someone else.

Here’s an example from later in the ’80s,when I was executive director of that community mediation program in Chicago:

I went to a Chicago Bar Association reception and happened to meet in person a funder, Kent Lawrence, who was supporting our eviction mediation program via a third party. (Yes, eviction mediation was happening back in the ’80s.) From that chance meeting came a multiple-decade friendship and funding relationship that has enabled Resolution Systems Institute to grow into the organization it is today.

So, go to those gatherings and other events — whether in person or online. Meet new people and develop those personal and professional friendships.

Here’s another example from a few years later:

Jim Alfini — who many of you know and is the OG of the DR Section — invited me to grab coffee and talk about the ABA DR Section. He was about to chair the section and invited me to chair the Associates Committee. Well, that led to me serving on the Council for a number of years, being one of the ABA’s two representatives to the revision of the Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators and many, many, MANY other involvements — budgeting, nominating, ethics, strategic planning, conference programming — in the Section. In the Section, I found my professional home.

So, take someone to coffee. Invite them to engage with the DR Section or another organization of your choice. Help your colleagues find their professional home.

And one final example from about the same time in the ’90s:

Susan Yates (right) with RSI Director of Research Jennifer Shack (center) and RSI Researcher Rachel Feinstein at the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Conference in April 2024.

I was executive director at Resolution Systems Institute — where I still am today — and looking to hire someone to be the second RSI staff person. One person I interviewed was right for the job, but could only promise to stay for 18 months. Well, that was the magnificent Jennifer Shack, RSI’s Director of Research, with whom we recently celebrated 25 years at RSI. Were it not for her, RSI would certainly not be the organization it is today, and I would likely not be standing here in front of you.

What does this tell us? Better to hire someone good for a short amount of time. You never know where it might lead. 

Each of these seemingly small actions had a huge impact on my life and ultimately led to me standing here this evening. So, I encourage us all to keep doing those small things. Speak to a class, respond to an email, meet people, invite someone to get involved, hire someone because they are good.

In closing, I will add another action: Nominate a colleague for an award. You will never know how much it means to the person who receives the award.

Thank you.

RSI Executive Director Susan M. Yates to Receive ABA’s D’Alemberte Raven Award

Just Court ADR, March 11th, 2024

RSI is thrilled to share the news that the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution (ABA DR Section) has chosen our own Susan M. Yates to receive its prestigious D’Alemberte Raven Award this year!

Resolution Systems Institute Executive Director Susan M. Yates

The ABA DR Section will present the award at its 2024 Dispute Resolution Spring Conference, taking place April 10–13 in San Diego.

The D’Alemberte Raven Award is the premier award in the field of alternative dispute resolution. It is presented to an individual or organization that has contributed significantly to the dispute resolution field through the development of new or innovative programs, improvements in service, improvements in efficiency, research and/or published writings, and/or development of continuing education programs.

As you may know, Susan has been Executive Director of RSI since 1997, when she was instrumental in its founding. She is responsible for implementing RSI’s mission of strengthening access to justice by enhancing court ADR systems.

“Susan’s astute, dedicated stewardship has made RSI the nationally respected ADR thought leader it is today,” said longtime member of the RSI Board of Directors Terry Moritz. “Because of her leadership, RSI has continued to develop landmark research and is enabling the ADR field to maintain high standards of both efficiency and ethics. Susan’s recognition by the Dispute Resolution Section of the ABA is certainly well deserved.”

Please join us in congratulating Susan on this wonderful achievement!

The True Flowers of Life

Susan M. Yates, February 12th, 2024

At my first job, working at a Dairy Queen, I learned a lesson that has been proven time and again during my career. The people you work with make or break any job.

Photo by David Bartus, via Pexels

Applying that lesson to being executive director at RSI, it is easy to see why this has been the job of a lifetime. The people who work at and with RSI are amazing. They are smart, hardworking and dedicated to using ADR to make the civil court system work better for people with the least resources.

That’s one big reason it is bittersweet to leave RSI after 27 years.

But I’m also excited about my next phase. I am going to work in my two favorite areas – conflict resolution and non-profits – providing coaching, consulting, training, etc. And I’m hoping to maintain those wonderful relationships with the people who have made this job so much fun.

If you know someone who might be a good fit for the RSI CEO position, please encourage them to apply here.

I’m proud of what we have accomplished together at RSI. Board members and staff, mediators, judges, lawyers, researchers, funders, mental health professionals, professors and so many others have worked together to develop RSI from an idea to a nationally respected organization. We work hard every day to accomplish RSI’s mission of improving access to justice by enhancing court ADR.

In reflecting on these years, and thinking ahead to the coming transition, I remember a quote from comedian Lord Buckley that was on a poster in my childhood home. “The flowers, the gorgeous, mystic multi-colored flowers are not the flowers of life, but people, yes people are the true flowers of life, and it has been a most precious pleasure to have temporarily strolled in your garden.”

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