We’re rolling out RSI’s newest tools to support courts’ communication with parties, and you’re invited! Join us for an online demonstration, a Question & Answer session, and a chance to win a free one-hour consultation! Participation is free; registration is required.

When: Thursday, April 3, 2025; 12 p.m. Central
Where: Zoom; please register here
You might have read about Phase 1 of our ODR Party Engagement (OPEN) Project. For Phase 2, RSI has developed model materials — a webpage, a notice document, an informational video and an interactive guide — to help courts communicate more effectively with self-represented litigants (SRLs) about online dispute resolution (ODR). We developed these models with the support of an inclusive designer and an accessibility expert, then user-tested them with a diverse set of individuals around the United States. Although focused on ODR, these materials offer innovative solutions to communicating with SRLs about any court program.
You can learn more about the OPEN Project, and download Communicating Effectively About ODR: A Guide for Courts and our Document Preparation Worksheet and Checklist, on the OPEN Project section of our website. You’ll also find updates on the project’s progress on our blog, Just Court ADR.
RSI is excited to share these new resources, and we hope to see you at the launch!