Did you know that RSI’s Resource Center is the most comprehensive and respected source of information on court ADR anywhere? Housed within the Resource Center is the Research Library which has an extensive annotated collection of court ADR resources such as articles, studies, court rules, statutes and court forms.
Each month I review and add new resources to the Research Library. The following list highlights a few of the resources that have recently been added.
- The Wisconsin Mediation Landscape: A Survey of Judges on the Availability, Need and Use of Mediationby Jennifer Shack
- Online Dispute Resolution in the United States by the American Bar Association
- Implicit Bias: A Primer for Courts by Jerry Yang
- Addressing Implicit Bias in the Courts by Pamela M. Casey, Roger K. Warren, Fred L. Cheesman and Jennifer K. Elek
- Utah Online Dispute Resolution Platform: A Usability Evaluation and Report by Stacy Butler, Sarah Mauet, Christopher L. Griffin, Jr. and Mackenzie S. Pish
- Measuring “Access to Justice” in the Rush to Digitize by Amy Schmitz
I hope these resources are helpful to you in your work!
Tags: Research library, resource center