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RSI Staff Attend ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Spring Conference

Nicole Wilmet, April 18th, 2018

Our Executive Director Susan Yates and Director of Research Jennifer Shack had a wonderful time at the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution 20th Annual Spring Conference!

During the Court ADR Symposium, which takes place the first day of the conference, Susan joined Sheila Purcell of UC Hastings College of the Law and Colin Rule of Tyler Technologies on a panel to discuss integrating online dispute resolution with the courts. The session was packed, indicating the level of interest in online dispute resolution among those working in court ADR. Also during the Court Symposium, Susan hosted a court ADR resource share in which individuals working in court ADR discussed the resources they consult to support them in their work. During the main part of the conference, Jen joined the Hon. ​Joyce Kimbler, Diana Ramos-Reardon, Esq., and ​Hon. Richard Altman on a panel to present on ​Ohio’s pilot civil stalking protection order mediation program.

Thank you to the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution for another great conference. Until next year!

(Thank you to our friend John Lande for the photos!)

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