Resources / Study / Innovation for Court ADR

Just Court ADR

The blog of Resolution Systems Institute

Shape the Future of

Just Court ADR, February 3rd, 2012

At RSI, we’ve been working on a project to redesign The site is four years old and its underlying structure needs to be updated. While we’re at it, we thought it would be a great opportunity to refresh the site design and make it even easier for visitors to find the information they need.

However, we can’t make a site work better for its audience without talking to members of that audience. So, I’m asking: what features would you like to see on the new What types of resources, covering which topics?

One new section of the site will be a collection of “quick reference guides.” The guides will list the top “must-read” resources for certain topics related to court ADR. These topics might include:

  • Mediator ethics
  • Mediator certification
  • Mediation advocacy
  • Working with pro-se parties in mediation
  • Confidentiality in mediation

We’re also planning to create guides on specific case types, like small claims or child custody, and updated versions of our “Special Topics” pages for:

What do you think of our list so far? Are there any other topics you’d like to see us cover? Let us know in the comments section below, or you can email me directly at jglowinski[at]aboutrsi[dot]org.

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