Former judges in Florida no longer can promote their mediation practice by using the title “Judge” or appearing in judge’s robes in advertisements. In amendments to the marketing rule of the “Florida Rules for Certified and Court-Appointed Mediators,” the Florida Supreme Court seeks to make sure that the “integrity of the judicial system” is not impugned by judges using the prestige of their former office to serve their own commercial interests. The amendments go further in limiting what former judges (and arbitrators) may say by prohibiting any implication “that prior adjudicative experience makes one a better or more-qualified mediator.”
As this was the first time I’d heard of such a limitation, I searched the Research Library on for other standards in place around the U.S. It appears that only Florida mentions anything in their mediator standards about how judges may advertise their services. Am I right? Does anyone have other examples of this type of rule?