Did you know that RSI’s Resource Center is the most comprehensive and respected source of information on court ADR anywhere? Housed within the Resource Center is the Research Library which has an extensive annotated collection of court ADR resources such as articles, studies, court rules, statutes and court forms.
As RSI’s Resource Center Director, I regularly review and add new resources to the Research Library. The following list highlights a few of the resources that have recently been added.
The Maryland Standards of Conduct for Mediators by the Maryland Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office
Kentucky Mediation Guidelines for Court of Justice Mediators by the Supreme Court of Kentucky
Alabama Code of Ethics for Mediators by the Supreme Court of Alabama
Kansas Supreme Court Rule 918: Ethics by the Supreme Court of Kansas
Texas Online Dispute Resolution Proposed Policy Framework by the Office of Court Administration, Civil Justice Committee
Kirwin Institute Implicit Bias Module Series by the Ohio State University Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity
I hope these resources are helpful to you in your work!